Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Happy National Coming Out Day!

5 years ago, a little before National Coming Out Day, I came out as bisexual and demisexual. Perhaps if I had known about this day I would have postponed the announcement? Probably not. The only thing that has changed in these past 5 years is that I now identify as pansexual rather than bi - not a huge difference. At  the time I wasn't super aware of the different identities, and when I finally learned about pansexuality the next year I realized it fit better.
Today, I make crocheted pride beanies - not only to validate my own identity, but to support my fellow queer folks in the way I know best. The idea of wearing your pride on your head came to me a little over a year ago, and it has since evolved from 8 basic designs to 22 as people began requesting flags that best fit their identities. I'm so proud of how much this has grown.

Today, in honor of National Coming Out Day, you can get 25% off your Pride Beanie order by using the coupon code NCOD2016.